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Curriculum Classes Whether it's your first step to becoming a pro, or you're just looking to have some fun, we can get you there! All CSz classes are taught by one of our improv professionals - instructors who, themselves, have years of training. CSz classes are a fun, supportive way to learn improvisational thinking, gain self-confidence, develop business soft-skills and meet people.
Level 1
Intro to Improv SPRING SESSION I
$250 | 8 Weeks | Mar. 1st - April 19th |
12:00pm - 2:00pm | Saturday Afternoons
$250 | 8 Weeks | Mar. 24th - May 12th |
6:30pm - 8:30pm | Monday Evenings
Learn the basics of improv through this eight-week class that focuses on characters, storytelling, teamwork, and more. Improve your confidence and, at the same time, learn how to play like a kid again.
This fun, interactive and informative class will have you involved from day one. It is the perfect class for anyone who wants to meet some new people, speak up at work more, hone their performance skills, or just have some fun!
No previous improv experience necessary.
Level 2
Improvised Scenes $250 | 8 Weeks | Mar. 24th - May 12th |
6:30pm - 8:30pm | Monday Evenings
In level 2, you get to stretch your improv muscles by concentrating on the Who, Where, What of improv, and learning the tools and formats that make a successful scene.
You will use the improv skills you learned in Level 1 as the foundation for performing your own improv scenes throughout the 8 weeks.
Prerequisite : Level 1, OR equivalent experience.
Level 3
Advanced Improv Games and Theory NO CURRENT SESSION
Elevate your improv skills to new heights in this 4-week intensive! Building on the solid foundation from Level 2, this course is designed to help you master advanced short form improv techniques in a faster-paced format. Over four weeks, you'll be challenged with a variety of fast-moving, high-energy games that emphasize technique, quick thinking, and creativity. Perfect for those ready to dive deep and sharpen their improv skills in a condensed time frame!
Prerequisite: Level 2, OR equivalent experience.
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