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Lead: 'Lead',
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[eventNames.Lead]: 'SUBMIT_LEAD_FORM',
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paramsMapper(product, channelParams),
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if (mappedParams.length === 0) {
return params;
return mappedParams.reduce((mappedObject, currentKey) => {
const newKey = mapper[currentKey];
if (newKey && (params[currentKey] || params[currentKey] === 0)) {
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(currentConversionAction) =>
currentConversionAction.category.category === category,
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send_to: `${conversionAction.conversionId}/${conversionAction.conversionLabel}`,
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case 'PURCHASE': {
const { revenue, id, currency, coupon, ...params } = eventParams;
conversionData = {
...paramsMapper({ revenue, id, currency, coupon }, channelParams),
transactionId: eventParams.id,
items: mapContents(params),
gtag('event', 'conversion', conversionData);
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bootstrapPromise.then(() => {
reportEvent(eventName, eventParams);
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: window.addEventListener('wixDevelopersAnalyticsReady', registerListener);
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"Not comedy about sports, it's comedy as a sport!"
ComedySportz is an action-packed, high-energy comedy show for all-ages! Two highly-trained teams of professional improvisers battle it out for points, always awarded by you - our Loyal Fans! Each show is unique and based off your
suggestions. We believe comedy is for everyone, and every ComedySportz show is for all-ages! Come join the fun as a dedicated Loyal Fan and cheer on your favorite team to victory.
Knockout Knockout is a King-of-the-Hill comedy showdown!
This 18+ show starts with 8 comedians vying for the top spot. Using suggestions from the audience, the comedians form randomly chose partnerships to battle other duos. After every round, the audience knocks out a pair of contenders until only one is left standing at the end. One comedian will go home with bragging rights, and one volunteer goes home with a trophy. Will you be able to last until the final round, or will you be a Knockout?!
Looking to rent out our space?
Currently Unavailable Looking for a space to put on your own event or show? We've got everything you need! Our highly customizable theatre space can host your next stand up show, acoustic concert, play rehearsal--you name it! Just fill out the form below and give us an idea of what you're looking for and we'll be in touch shortly with more information and pricing.
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